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Problem with UK Web Server Sinope
Posted by Paul Woodland on 26 February 2021 08:02 AM

We are investigating an issue with one of the UK web server's, Sinope, and will post updates as soon as we have them.

UPDATE: We apologise that the sites on this server are offline. There is a serious issue with the web server and we are having to restore the backups taken overnight. We are starting this process now from our off-site backup location and will update here once we have more information.

UPDATE: We are continuing to transfer the backup data from the off-site backup location. We apologise to affected customers that the sites on this server are unavailable whilst this is completed.

UPDATE: The restoration of the data is progressing well and the new server is ready to serve the data when the restoration has been completed. We wish to apologise again for the issues with this server today.

UPDATE: Approximately three quarters of websites are now back online and we are completing work on the rest. Place accept our apologies for the issue with this server today.

RESOLVED: All websites are now back online. If you are still experiencing any issues with websites on this server, please contact us so that we can investigate. We apologise for the time that the sites have been down today whilst we did a complete restore of the server from our off-site backup location.

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