Knowledgebase: E-Mail
How do I send email from my PC using your SMTP Server? (including Outlook, Outlook Express)
Posted by Paul Woodland (Import) on 02 December 2006 04:35 AM
Under the default configuration of most mail clients, including Outlook and Outlook Express, the server will reject your email if you try to send it through our SMTP server. This is because you first have to let the server know that you are a customer (we can't allow non-customers to send email through our servers)

The process by which this is done is called "SMTP Authentication" and you can turn it on from the mail account properties in your mail client. It may be called one of the following, or something similar:

"My outgoing mail server requires authentication"
"My SMTP server requires authentication"
"SMTP Authentication"
"Outgoing mail authentication"

The username & password are the same as for your POP3 account.
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