Using aspSmart SmartUpload
Posted by Paul Woodland (Import) on 02 December 2006 04:35 AM

aspSmart SmartUpload is a server-side component that can be used to upload files from a client's machine to the server, under your domain.

How do you use aspSmart SmartUpload?
The following is an example of using the SmartUpload component to upload a file:

        'Create an instance of our SmartUpload object.
        Set uploadObj = Server.CreateObject("aspSmartUpload.SmartUpload")

        'Process the upload

        'Save the file
        uploadObj.Save Server.MapPath(".")       

The standard Request.Form collection becomes unusable when the aspSmartUpload.SmartUpload object is instantiated, to access the values of the Form collection, use something similar to this:

        formValue = uploadObj.Form("formField")
        'Where formField is a field input that was posted.

Posting a Form
When you post a form to your script, if it contains a file field (<input type="file" />), you need to specify an encoding type.  This can be done as follows:

    <form action="..." method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

The permissions on your hosting account are setup to allow scripts to operate in a secure manner.  Uploading files will work when the Save path is one that is under your domain.  Trying to save to files outside of your domain will result in an access violation and your script will finish in error.

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